Introduction:*Makes water crystal clear
*Removes contaminants
*Adds essential minerals
*Makes fish thrive
*Boosts disease resistance
*Eliminates bad odours
*No artificial chemicals
GEO LIQUID for AROWANA&SARATOGA is especially formulated for these sensitive fishes. Arowana or Saratoga is particularly sensitive to changes in water conditions, and this product will maintain ideal stable condition for it.
The water in the natural habitats of Asian Arowana and other arowana species, although it varies between the wet and dry seasons, has a Total Hardness of about 6, and a Carbonate hardness of about 5. Since this water is high in organic acid, the PH decreases to a range of about 6.8-7.2. Arowana are very sensitive to environmental changes.
As much as possible, please avoid fluctuations of PH when doing water changes, to minimize stress on the Arowana, and to keep them comfortable.
GEO LIQUID is especially formulated for these sensitive fish. It will help maintain ideal stable water conditions including GH, KH, and PH to maximize resistance to disease, increase metabolism and maximizes their colors.